(Okay, the image is a bit glib.) We’ll also recap the year that’s gone, hear a Youth Team Report, and review and approve next year’s budget before thanking our leaving directors and welcoming those standing up in their place. Our incoming board will then host a Q&A session, town-hall style. So bring your questions, your comments, and your great ideas for how to make Tripleshot even better.
Last year’s AGM minutes are attached to this message and also posted here: https://www.tripleshotcycling.ca/_files/ugd/a3c3c4_8b876b7c146746c997502a50cb809006.pdf
*FREE means paid out of our general revenues which includes your membership fee. 😛 Finger food while it lasts and one drink ticket per member. Order and pay for extra drinks and food at the bar. See you there! Wear your best baggies!